Mandela in hospital with lung infection

Former South African president (94) has recurrence of ailment

Former South African president Nelson Mandela has been admitted to hospital with a recurrence of a lung infection. Photograph: Matt Kavanagh/The Irish Times

Former South African president Nelson Mandela has been admitted to hospital with a recurrence of a lung infection, the government said today.

A statement said the 94-year-old anti-apartheid leader was admitted shortly before midnight. It gave no further details other than to say he was receiving the "best possible expert medical treatment and comfort".

President Jacob Zuma wished Mr Mandela a speedy recovery and urged South Africans and the world to pray for the former leader and his family.

Mr Mandela has become increasingly frail in recent years.


He was admitted briefly to hospital earlier this month for a check up.

However, he spent nearly three weeks in hospital in December with a lung infection and after surgery to remove gallstones.

It was his longest stay in hospital since his release from prison in 1990 after serving 27 years for conspiring to overthrow the white-minority apartheid government.
