Russian plane ‘more likely than not’ downed by terrorist bomb - Cameron

Kremlin spokesman says any theories about cause of Sinai crash are speculation

Britain suspends all flights to and from the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, after saying an explosion probably caused a Russian plane to crash in Sinai last weekend. Video: Reuters

British prime minister David Cameron has said it is “more likely than not” that a Russian airliner was downed by a terrorist bomb killing 224 people in the Sinai peninsula, as he defended moves to halt flights to and from Sharm el-Sheikh.

Mr Cameron said he had “every sympathy” with Cairo’s anger over the impact on its tourist industry but that the move was “about putting the safety of British people first”.

Speaking after chairing a meeting of the government’s Cobra emergency committee, Mr Cameron said he would discuss the situation with Egyptian president Abdel Fatah al-Sisi who is due at Number 10 shortly.

Mr Cameron is also due to talk with Russian president Vladimir Putin by phone about the latest developments.


“The decisions that I am taking are about putting the safety of British people first,” Mr Cameron said. “That is why we have suspended flights to Sharm el-Sheikh and that is why it is going to take some time before we can fly people out.

“What we need to put in place is more security at that airport so it is safe to fly people home.”

Earlier on Thursday Britain said there was a significant possibility that Islamic State’s Egyptian affiliate was behind a suspected bomb attack on a Russian airliner that killed 224 people in the Sinai peninsula.

However the Kremlin said it believes that any theories about what caused the crash were speculation and that only the official investigation can determine what happened.

Dmitry Peskov, a spokesman for president Vladimir Putin, was reacting to an assertion from British foreign secretary Philip Hammond who said that there was a significant possibility that Islamic State's Egyptian affiliate had orchestrated a bomb attack on the Russian airliner.

Mr Peskov said Russian planes were continuing to fly to and from Sharm el Sheikh Airport in Egypt, despite Ireland and Britain suspending flights

Asked if he thought Islamic State militants were responsible for the disaster, British foreign secretary Philip Hammond said: “ISIL-Sinai have claimed responsibility for bringing down the Russian aircraft, they did that straight away after the crash.

“We’ve looked at the whole information picture, including that claim, but of course lots of other bits of information as well, and concluded that there is a significant possibility,” he said on Sky television.

US and European security sources say evidence now suggests that a bomb planted by Islamic State’s Egypt affiliate , Sinai Province, was the likely cause of the crash. The sources stressed they had reached no final conclusions about the crash.

Islamic State, which wants to create a caliphate across the Muslim world, is also called ISIS and ISIL. Russia, an ally of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, launched air raids against opposition groups in Syria including Islamic State on September 30th. The hardline group has called for war against both Russia and the United States in response to their air strikes in Syria.

Britain has decided to stop flights from Egypt’s Sharm El Sheikh resort to gain more time to assess security in the town, where the Russian plane started its ill-fated journey.

Bloody Campaign

Islamic State, which also has a presence in Egypt’s neighbour Libya, is waging a bloody campaign of suicide bombings and shootings in Egypt designed to topple the government of president Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.

The Egyptian leader is currently on a state visit to Britain, which like other Western powers sees Cairo as critical to efforts to counter militancy.

A senior Russian lawmaker said Britain’s decision to stop flights from Egypt’s Sharm El Sheikh resort, where the flight originated, was motivated by London’s opposition to Russia’s actions in Syria, the RIA Novosti news agency reported.

“There is geopolitical opposition to the actions of Russia in Syria,” said Konstantin Kosachev, a senior member of Russia’s upper house of parliament, when asked about Britain’s decision.

If a bomb killed the 224 passengers and crew aboard the Airbus A321, that would almost certainly undermine Egypt’s tourism industry, which is still recovering from years of political turmoil.

A Russian aviation official said the investigation was looking into the possibility of an object stowed on board causing the disaster.

Islamic State, which controls swathes of Iraq and Syria and is battling the Egyptian army in the Sinai Peninsula, said again on Wednesday that it brought down the airplane, adding it would eventually tell the world how it carried out the attack.

Egypt, a close ally of the United States and the most populous Arab country, dismissed a similar claim of responsibility for the crash by Islamic State on Saturday.

Tourism Worries

Caution among Egypt officials in assessing the cause of the crash has not eased anxiety among tourism companies that handle visitors to Egypt’s ancient sites and Red Sea resorts.

Shares on Thomas Cook opened down 2.1 per cent as the United Kingdom cancelled flights to Egypt, which depends heavily on tourism to generate hard currency.

Mr Sisi has described Islamist militancy as an existential threat to the Arab world and the West and has repeatedly called for greater international efforts to combat the militants.

Britain said it was working with airlines and Egyptian authorities to put in place additional security and screening measures to allow Britons in Sharm el-Sheikh to get home, but that would take time and there would be no flights returning from the resort on Thursday.

Late on Wednesday, the Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) directed all Irish airlines on Wednesday not to fly to or from the Sinai Peninsula until further notice. The Russian-operated plane was registered in Ireland and the IAA is taking part in the official investigation into the crash.

Security experts and investigators have said the plane is unlikely to have been struck from the outside and Sinai-based militants are not believed to possess the technology to shoot down a jet from a cruising altitude above 30,000 feet.

Sinai Province has killed hundreds of Egyptian soldiers and police since Mr Sisi, as army chief, toppled Islamist president Mohamed Morsi in 2013 after mass protests against his rule.

Mr Sisi was elected president last year on promises he would stabilise Egypt and rebuild its shattered economy. Critics say his tough crackdown on Islamists will only create more radicals in Egypt, which has fought militants for decades.
