Sixteen Tunisian lawmakers from president’s party resign

Resignations deepen split between two wings in Nidaa Tounes

Mohsen Marzouk, secretary general of president Beji Caid Essebsi’s ruling party Nidaa Tounes. He said on Wednesday he plans to break away and form a new political movement

Sixteen Tunisian lawmakers from president Beji Caid Essebsi's Nidaa Tounes party resigned yesterday over a dispute involving his son in a move that may allow Islamist rivals to become the main parliamentary power.

The resignations deepened a split between two wings in Nidaa Tounes just days after its secretary general, Mohsen Marzouk, said he would break away and form a new political movement over accusations Mr Essebsi's son was trying to control the party. The rift in Nidaa Tounes comes at a delicate time as the north African state struggles to contain jihadist violence and encourage economic growth. – (Reuters)