Hong Kong protesters mock Chinese leader in defiance of masks ban

Hong Kong’s leader Carrie Lam says ban on masks is aimed at deterring radical behaviour

Protesters wear masks in Hong Kong as they formed a human chain across the semi-autonomous Chinese city, in defiance of a government ban on face coverings. Photograph: Kin Cheung/AP Photo

Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters have donned cartoon character masks and mocked China's leaders while forming human chains in defiance of a ban on face coverings at public assemblies.

Gathering along the city’s subway lines on Friday night, many protest supporters masqueraded as Winnie-the-Pooh or Guy Fawkes.

They held up their phone lights and chanted slogans calling for a “revolution of our times” — a battle cry of the five-month-long movement that has shaken the semi-autonomous Chinese city with violent confrontations between protesters and police.

Chinese internet users have joked that Chinese president Xi Jinping resembles AA Milne’s talking bear character as depicted in the Walt Disney animated movies – leading the country’s censors to scrub online references to it.


Fawkes masks have come to represent anti-government protests around the world.

The protesters were taking a light-hearted approach to oppose the government’s decision this month to invoke colonial-era emergency regulations banning face masks at rallies as it struggles to contain the protests.

Mass rally

The peaceful event comes ahead of a mass rally that organisers are planning on Sunday to press their demands.

Police refused to authorise the march, citing risks to public safety and order, but protesters have previously ignored such rejections.

Hong Kong’s leader Carrie Lam has said the ban on masks, which have become a hallmark of the protests, is aimed at deterring radical behaviour. Offenders can be punished by up to a year in prison.

But the protesters say they wear them out of fear of retribution and concerns that their identities will be shared with China’s massive state security apparatus.

This month, two police shootings that injured teenage protesters, the stabbing of a police officer, and the detonation of a small, remote-controlled bomb close to police officers ratcheted up violence to levels unprecedented since the former British colony reverted to Chinese rule in 1997.

Some protesters assumed the identity of Mr Xi or Hong Kong’s deeply unpopular Beijing-backed leader. Others wore masks depicting Pepe the Frog, a character that has become a symbol for the Hong Kong protesters who are likely unaware of its association with far-right extremists in the US.


At least one protester parodied NBA basketball star LeBron James. He has been criticised for caving to China's communist leaders after he suggested free speech can have consequences, following a now-deleted tweet by Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey in support of the protests that angered Beijing.

The protesters’ aim was to form human chains extending 25 miles across Hong Kong by tracing the city’s subway system, mimicking a similar event in August.

It is unclear if they achieved that. There were gaps in a part of the chain in one city centre location.

Also on Friday, Hong Kong airline Cathay Pacific said passenger traffic to mainland China last month plummeted 23.2 per cent from a year ago, in the latest sign of the protests' impact on the city's tourism industry. The decline contributed to a 7.1 per cent drop in overall passenger numbers. –Reuters