Indonesia ‘suspends military co-operation’ with Australia

Offensive materials displayed at Australian military base among issues leading to split

Indonesia’s Kopassus soldiers. Photograph: Achmad Ibrahim/AP

Indonesia has suspended all military cooperation with Australia, reportedly over offensive materials displayed at an Australian military base where its troops were training.

The offensive "laminated material" shown at a base was insulting towards Indonesia's five founding principles - Pancasila - Indonesian newspaper Kompas has reported. The Kompas report says a cable dated 29th December, sent by Indonesian military commander Gen Gatot Nurmantyo, instructed that all military co-operation, including training with the Australian defence force, be suspended.

The Indonesian military spokesman, Maj Gen Wuryanto has confirmed the split, but would not specifically confirm the reason, saying co-operation between the Australian and Indonesian militaries had been suspended for “technical reasons”, effective immediately.

“All forms of co-operation have been suspended,” he said.


But he suggested the suspension would not be long term, saying co-operation could resume once the “technical matters” were resolved.

“There are technical matters that need to be discussed,” he said, including the offensive training material seen at an Australian military base. It was “highly likely” co-operation would resume once those issues were resolved.

Kompas reported that an instructor from Indonesia's special forces group Kopassus felt insulted by material on display at a training base. The nature of the offensive material on display is not known but it is understood to have been demeaning towards the Indonesian military.

Kopassus has trained for several years with Australia’s Special Air Service troops at the SAS base at Campbell barracks, Perth. No time limit has been put on the suspension, and it is unclear whether future planned joint training exercises between the two countries will be affected.

Restore ties

Australia’s defence minister, Marise Payne, said the Australian military hoped to restore full co-operation with the Indonesian armed forces as soon as possible.

She confirmed that late last year an Indonesian officer had raised concerns “about some teaching materials and remarks at an army language training facility in Australia”.

“The Australian chief of the defence force, Air Chief Marshal Mark Binskin, wrote to his Indonesian counterpart, Gen Gatot Nurmantyo, giving an undertaking that this matter would be addressed seriously and we would inquire into issues raised.

“The Australian army has looked into the serious concerns that were raised and the investigation into the incident is being finalised.”

Indonesia had informed Australia that defence co-operation would be suspended. As a result, some interaction between the two defence organisations had been postponed until the matter is resolved. Co-operation in other areas was continuing.

Ms Payne said while some elements of joint training had been suspended, other areas of military co-operation had continued.

“Australia is committed to building a strong defence relationship with Indonesia, including through cooperation in training. We will work with Indonesia to restore full co-operation as soon as possible.”

Indonesia and Australia’s military relationship has improved in recent years, after an at-times troubled history.

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