Residents say concerns ignored as London flats engulfed in flames

Builder ‘downplayed occupants’ concerns’ about fire risk following breaches at other sites

Screengrab taken with permission from a video posted by @SyeddIslam of the fire at a block of flats in Barking, east London, on Sunday. Photograph: @SyeddIslam/PA Wire

Residents at a six-storey block of flats in Barking, east London, that was engulfed in flames on Sunday have claimed their concerns about potential fire safety breaches were downplayed by its builders only last month.

About 100 firefighters and 15 fire engines were dispatched to deal with the blaze on De Pass Gardens which tore through wooden balconies, forcing it and neighbouring flats to be evacuated.

Peter Mason, chair of the Barking Reach residents' association, said that in early May he contacted the builder, Bellway Homes, to ask for the fire risk to be investigated after the BBC Watchdog programme broadcast claims of fire safety problems at two other developments by the same builder.

Firefighters deal with a blaze at a block of flats in Barking, east London, on Sunday. Photograph: Dominic Lipinski/PA Wire

In an email seen by the Guardian from the firm's fire safety helpline last month, Bellway told Mr Mason not to worry. In a section headed Your Home it said the construction method used on the development in Scotland examined by Watchdog was different and so the Barking homes were not affected in the same way.


It concluded: “We understand that these news articles are highly alarming for all residents of new homes and I hope that the above statement has allayed any fears you may have over the safety and construction of your Bellway home.”

Mr Mason said he felt “gut-wrenched” by the fire, adding that people had lost their homes and possessions and were in severe distress. The fire appeared to rip through the wooden cladding around the balconies of the building and may have been caused by a barbecue being lit on one of the balconies, Mr Mason said.

A London ambulance service spokesperson said mon Sunday: “We were called at 3.32pm today to a fire in De Pass Gardens, in Barking.

“We sent two ambulance crews, two solo responders and our hazardous area response team. We have a tactical commander and our command support vehicle at the scene. We also dispatched London’s air ambulance.

“There are no reports of any injuries at the moment.”

Venilia Batista Amorim, who lives opposite the flats, said: “People started running, some said the fire alarm was not working, the sprinklers were not working, residents knocked on neighbours doors to tell them to leave.

“It does not come as a surprise, so many residents are concerned.”

The managing agents of the block had already hired a fire warden to carry out patrols because of unspecified concerns about fire safety, Mr Mason said.

Residents affected were advised to go to Thames View community centre on Bastable Avenue. A spokesperson for Bellway said: “We are taking the matter very seriously and working with all parties to help in establishing the cause of the fire.” – Guardian