As it happened: Charlie Hebdo Paris attack

Timeline of the massacre at the offices in Paris and shooting in Montrouge

A poster reads ‘Je suis Charlie’ (I am Charlie) amid symbolic pens and pencils as people gathered for a minute of silence commemorating those killed in a shooting at French satirical magazine ‘Charlie Hebdo’, in Paris. Photograph: Etienne Laurent/EPA

Wednesday, January 7th:

10:28am — The satirical magazine updates its Twitter page with a cartoon of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. In it he wishes everyone “good health”.

10:57am — The AFP news agency reports shots have been fired at the French weekly magazine on Boulevard Richard Lenoir.

11:17am — Eyewitness accounts emerge showing the immediate aftermath of the scene.


11:22am — AFP confirms the first death as a result of the shooting. Three minutes later it confirms the death toll has risen to 10.

11:31am — President Francois Hollande is en-route to visit the magazine's offices shortly, officials said.

11:36am — The death toll is increased to 11 and then to 12.

11:46am — Paris is put on maximum alert following the attacks.

11:49am — Prime minister David Cameron condemns the attack: "The murders in Paris are sickening. We stand with the French people in the fight against terror and defending the freedom of the press."

11:54am — Mr Hollande, in an address near the scene of the massacre, said the shooting was “undoubtedly a terrorist attack”. He adds: “We fight threats and we will punish the attackers.”

11:59am — The first tweet is posted containing the hashtag #JeSuisCharlie in solidarity with the victims, the magazine and its supporters.

12:26pm — French officials confirm gunmen who carried out the attack are still at large. At least two criminals are believed to be involved.

12:38pm — The White House condemns Paris attack in the "strongest possible terms".

1:30pm — AFP says dead include three cartoonists and editor-in-chief Stephane Charbonnier, known as Charb.

2:13pm — French internal minister Bernard Cazeneuve says "three criminals" were involved in the attack. They remain at large.

Throughout the evening — crowds gather at London’s Trafalgar Square and at Paris’ Place de la Republique in a vigil to remember those murdered. Many held placards reading “Je suis Charlie” — “I am Charlie”.

10pm — Heavily armed French police raid an apartment in Reims, east of Paris.

Thursday, January 8th:

1:41am — Reports emerge that the youngest suspect, 18-year-old Hamyd Mourad, handed himself in to police after seeing his name linked to the massacre on the news.

Soon afterwards the French police release photographs of the remaining two suspects at large — brothers Said Kouachi and Cherif Kouachi.

4:40am — Hundreds of people attend rallies of solidarity in America, chanting “I am Charlie”.

Throughout the night cartoonists across the world put pen to paper, creating poignant drawings of the attack.

6:58am — French prime minister Manuel Valls said that several people have been held overnight.

He added that the two subjects still being hunted had been known to security services.

8:06am — French interior minister Bernard Cazeneuve confirms seven people are being held and questioned

8:45am — AFP reports there has been a second shooting — two people, including a policewoman, have been critically wounded after a man fired on them with an automatic rifle south of Paris.

It is not known if the incident is linked to the Charlie Hebdo attack.

9:12am — There are reports of an explosion at a kebab shop near a mosque in Lyon.

9:57am — The policewoman shot near Paris dies. AFP reports that a number of mosques in France have been attacked since the shooting at the newspaper offices.

10:25am — The two suspected gunmen in the Paris magazine shooting have reportedly been spotted at a petrol station in northern France.

11am — Crowds gather at Notre Dame, and across the world, to hold a minute’s silence.