Bemused father set off Rome security alert with toy gun

Friend had given man a plastic machine gun to give to his young son

Police at Rome’s Termini rail station after a security alert on Monday. The station was evacuated after reports of an armed man being inside. A man was later found at another station with a toy gun, according to local reports. Photograph: EPA.

A man who unwittingly caused a major security alert at Rome’s central station by wandering through the terminus holding a toy gun handed himself into police on Tuesday after his mother recognised him from a security video.

Police evacuated the vast station on Monday evening after receiving panicked calls that a lone gunman was on the loose.

Heavily armed special forces were sent in but failed to find the suspect and called off the alert.

Unbeknown to them, the man had caught a train home. “I had absolutely no idea that I had caused such a mess,” the 44-year-old man, who has not been named, was quoted as saying by Italian media.


He told police a friend had given him the plastic machine gun for his young son.

“It is for carnival,” he said.

The man went to the police after his mother recognised him from a picture that was shown on television and on the front pages of several dailies. “She said to me ‘they are looking for you’.”

Italian media said the man does not face any charges.
