Bono reportedly caught up in Nice truck attack

Restaurant owner says U2 star dined on terrace near Promenade des Anglais

U2 star Bono who was reportedly caught up in the lorry attack in Nice, where he was dining in a restaurant near the Promenade des Anglais. Photograph: Anthony Devlin/PA Wire

U2 star Bono was reportedly caught up in the lorry attack in Nice, where he was dining in a restaurant near the Promenade des Anglais.

According to the restaurant’s owner, the 56-year-old singer was on the terrace of La Petite Maison near the seafront on Thursday when the attack happened.

La Petite Maison’s owner, Anne-Laure Rubi, told Le Parisien newspaper. “Suddenly I saw people running, without shouting. It was a silent panic. It was shocking.”

She said Bono was sitting with friends on the terrace in the upmarket French restaurant.


Customers took cover inside, before the premises were evacuated by the police. On Sunday the restaurant was closed and nobody was available for comment.

La Petite Maison is near where the cargo truck came to a halt after Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel drove through crowds, mowing down pedestrians. He was shot dead by police.

After the attack, U2 posted on their Twitter account: “Love is bigger than anything in its way — Bono, Edge, Adam, Larry.”

Bono was not available for comment.