Czechs demand prime minister Babis quit in biggest protest since communist era

Babis has faced investigations over alleged fraud and conflicts of interest

The Prague rally calling on Czech prime minister Andrej Babis to step down. Photograph: (AP Photo/Petr David Josek

Czechs turned out in their thousands on Sunday in Prague to call for the ousting of prime minister Andrej Babis in the biggest show of public discontent since the 1989 Velvet Revolution which overthrew communism.

The rally in Letna park was the culmination of a series of demonstrations in recent weeks against Mr Babis (64), who has faced investigations over alleged fraud and conflicts of interest, claims he vehemently denies.

Organisers said they believed that about 250,000 people had attended Sunday’s rally, from all around the country, but this figure could not be verified.

A police spokesman declined to give an estimate.


Some protesters carried banners saying “Resign”, “We’ve had enough”, “We won’t give up democracy”, and others waved Czech and EU flags.

Many families brought children to the protest, which was peaceful as were other recent protests against both Mr Babis and his justice minister.

Police proposed in April that Mr Babis, a billionaire businessman-turned-politician sometimes likened to US president Donald Trump, should be formally charged for fraud in tapping a European Union subsidy a decade ago to build a hotel and conference centre outside Prague. He denies any wrongdoing.

The appointment of a new justice minister just after the police announcement prompted rallies by demonstrators suspicious that Mr Babis was trying to influence proceedings. Mr Babis has also vigorously denied that claim.

“Our country has many problems and the government is not solving them. It is not solving them because the only worry of the prime minister is how to untangle himself from his personal problems,” said Mikulas Minar, a 26-year-old theology student who set up the Million Moments for Democracy, a civic group that organised the protests.

“It is unacceptable for our prime minister to be a person under criminal investigation,” he told the crowd from a giant rock festival-like stage.

No politicians were invited to address the rally, the organisers said.

Filip Rubas (50), who joined protests in 1989 against the then communist regime, said he turned out on Sunday to send a message to politicians that they would be held accountable.

“We think that our leaders need to be reminded very strongly that they do not own our country, that they are not above the law [or constitution] and that there are still enough caring people who are not brainwashed by hateful propaganda.”

He travelled to the rally with his wife and a group of friends from Brno, the country’s second city, 200km from Prague.


Mr Babis suffered another setback from leaked preliminary results of an audit by the European Commission, which determined he is in conflict of interest as the beneficiary of trust funds where he had transferred his chemicals, farming, media and food business, valued at $3.7 billion by Forbes.

Mr Babis insists the audit, which said companies in the trust fund should not be eligible for EU development subsidies, is wrong, and this would be proven in the final conclusions, expected late this year or early in 2020.

Mr Babis has said people have the right to protest but has firmly refused to step down. His populist ANO movement remains the most popular party, although its support has dipped slightly in the past two months to 27.5 per cent, according to a poll by Kantar agency released on June 9th.

Mr Babis also has enough backing in parliament, where a no-confidence vote planned for the next week is likely to fail. (Reuters)