Dog rescued from rubble 10 days after Italian earthquake

Romeo heard barking after firefighters accompany owners to quake damaged house

Italian fire fighters on Friday (September 2) rescued a golden retriever named Romeo who had been buried under the rubble for over a week after an earthquake struck central Italy. Romeo ran around wagging his tail and seemed to be in good health.

Firefighters have rescued a golden retriever from a pile of quake rubble after they heard the dog barking, ten days after a 6.2 magnitude earthquake struck central Italy.

The dog, called Romeo, appeared to be bewildered at first as he scampered down the mound of broken concrete and other debris, but quickly took a few steps, wagged his tail and sniffed his surroundings.

Firefighters said rescuers heard the dog bark as they were accompanying the pet’s owners to retrieve essential belongings from their quake-damaged home.

Earlier this week a cat called Joy was rescued from the wreckage of another house in Amatrice, six days after the disaster.


The August 24th quake claimed nearly 300 lives, injured hundreds and left thousands of people either without homes or with homes unsafe to immediately inhabit.

It flattened three towns - Amatrice, Accumoli and Arquata del Tronto - in mountainous central Italy.
