European human right court rejects Breivik’s appeal

Norwegian who killed 77 people claimed inhuman or degrading treatment

Anders Behring Breivik: lost appeal. File Photograph: NTB Scanpix/Lise Aaserud via Reuters

The European Court of Human Rights has rejected an appeal by Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik who says his prison condition amount to inhuman or degrading treatment.

“The Strasbourg Court found that its examination of the case did not reveal any violations of the Convention, and rejected the application as inadmissible for being manifestly ill-founded,” the court said in a statement on its website.

Breivik, who has legally changed his name to Fjotolf Hansen, killed 77 people in a car bomb in central Oslo and a shooting spree on Utoeya island in 2011, in the worst act of violence in the Nordic country since the second World War.

Breivik had been seeking to overturn a March 2017 decision by a Norwegian appeals court that ruled that his near-isolation in a three-room cell respected human rights.