Freed Ukrainian pilot returns home to hero’s welcome

Nadiya Savchenko spent two years in Russian jail after capture in eastern Ukraine

Ukrainian servicewoman Nadiya Savchenko arrives to a hero’s welcome at Boryspil International airport outside Kiev. Photograph: Gleb Garanich/Reuters

Ukrainian servicewoman Nadiya Savchenko was heading home on a plane from Russian captivity on Wednesday, part of an exchange for two Russians detained in Ukraine.

Handing over Savchenko, whose release has been demanded by western governments and who has become a national hero in Ukraine, would ease tensions between Moscow and the West a few weeks before the European Union decides whether to extend sanctions against Russia.

There was no official confirmation of the exchange, but the two sources close to the arrangements said it was already under way.

A plane was en route from Russia to Ukraine carrying Savchenko home, according to one of the sources. “They are coming back,” said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity.


In parallel, the two Russians, Alexander Alexandrov and Yevgeny Yerofeyev, were in the process of being returned to Russian soil, the second source close to the swap said.

Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko was to make a statement later on Wednesday, his office said.

Earlier, Russia's Interfax news agency reported that Mr Poroshenko himself had flown to Russia to collect Savchenko, but there was no confirmation of that in Kiev or Moscow.

Savchenko, a military pilot, volunteered to fight with a ground unit against pro-Moscow separatists who rose up against Kiev’s rule in eastern Ukraine.

She was captured and put on trial in southern Russia, charged with complicity in the deaths of Russian journalists who were killed by artillery while covering the conflict.

A Russian court in March sentenced her to 22 years in jail. While in a Russian jail, she was elected a member of the Ukrainian parliament and is widely seen in Ukraine as a symbol of resistance against Russia.

Yerofeyev and Alexandrov both said in interviews last year they were Russian special forces soldiers who were captured while carrying out a secret operation in eastern Ukraine.

But Moscow, which denies it had troops in eastern Ukraine, has never publicly acknowledged that the two men were acting on its orders.

Russia's relations with Ukraine have been toxic since an uprising in 2014 forced out the Moscow-backed Ukrainian leader Viktor Yanukovich and installed a pro-western administration.

Russia then annexed Ukraine’s Crimea peninsula. Moscow said it was protecting the local Russian-speaking population from persecution by the new authorities in Kiev, but western governments called it an illegal land-grab and imposed sanctions on Moscow.

Soon after, pro-Moscow separatists began an armed separatist rebellion in the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine, an area with a large-Russian speaking community. Fighting between the rebels and Ukraine’s forces killed thousands of people.

A fragile ceasefire has been in place since last year, but there is no permanent settlement to the conflict.
