German police raid suspected Islamic State recruiters

One suspect believed to have provided financial and logistical support for Isis

Police officers are seen in front of a Turkish travel agency in Duisburg, Germany, on Wednesday. Photograph: Marcel Kush/EPA

German police on Wednesday raided the homes and workplaces of three people suspected of trying to recruit supporters for Islamic State, the Federal Prosecutor’s office said.

No arrests were made. One of the suspects is believed to have provided financial and logistical support for the militant group, a spokeswoman said, noting that the raids took place in the states of North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony.

German media said searches were carried out in the cities of Duisburg, Dortmund, Duesseldorf and Hildesheim.

“The three suspects are believed to have tried to recruit members and supporters for the foreign terrorist organisation Islamic State between January and July 2015,” the spokeswoman said.


She said that no further details about the case could be revealed, since the investigation was ongoing.

Germany is on high alert after two Islamist attacks by two asylum seekers in July that killed only the attackers.

Interior minister Thomas de Maiziere will propose new security measures on Thursday, including speedier deportations and waiving doctor-patient confidentiality in some cases, German media reported.

“We live in difficult times, the terror threat is high, the police are overstretched,” he said during a visit to a centre for the deradicalisation of Islamists.

– Reuters