Matteo Renzi seeks limit on times Italian PMs can be in office

Italy sets no limit on how often someone can serve as prime minister

Prime minister of Italy Matteo Renzi: said premiers should be limited to two terms in office, as he gears up for a referendum on constitutional reform. Photograph: Massimo Percossi/EPA

Italian prime minister Matteo Renzi said premiers should be limited to two terms in office, as he gears up for a referendum on constitutional reform that some fear could give excessive powers to the government and its leader.

Italy sets no limit on how many times someone can become prime minister.

"I think we should do at the most two mandates . . . I would be ready to sign any law in this sense," Mr Renzi said in a debate shown on Italian daily La Repubblica's online TV channel.

“Whoever governs, wears himself out . . . that’s enough of politics for life,” Mr Renzi said during the debate.


The 41 year old, who came to power two years ago by ousting grand coalition leader Enrico Letta, has staked his political future on winning the referendum in October, which he says is crucial to more stable and stronger government.

While governments in Italy have historically changed before their terms were completed, frequently prompting economic problems, some politicians have repeatedly returned as premiers.

In the last three decades, Silvio Berlusconi was prime minister on four separate occasions for three different Italian governments. – (Reuters)