May Day clashes in Paris leave police officer with serious burns

Protesters throw petrol bombs and missiles in running street battle with riot police

Paris clashes: Molotov cocktails are thrown at police as clashes erupt between protesters and French anti-riot police during a May Day demonstration against French far-right in Paris. Photograph: EPA

One French police officer was seriously burned and two others injured in clashes at a May Day demonstration in Paris on Monday in which protesters threw Molotov cocktails and other missiles, said the police.

Television pictures showed policemen trying to shake flames from their riot gear and tear gas enveloping the streets around Paris’s Bastille monument.

This year’s May Day came less than a week ahead of the final round of a presidential election where voters must choose between the far-right National Front’s Marine Le Pen and centrist Emmanuel Macron.

Some trade unionists and left-wing activists sought to make the day one of national solidarity against the National Front, mirroring protests in 2002 when Ms Le Pen’s father, party founder Jean-Marie Le Pen, was a candidate.


Marine Le Pen tweeted her support for the injured policemen and said the incident was the type of unacceptable behaviour that she no longer wanted to see on French streets.