Police were warned of Normandy attack but lacked details to act

France’s security services were told teenager planned attack but had no idea of his name

An identity card belonging to Abdel Malik Petitjean (19), one the two men who stormed into a church on July 26th in the northern French town of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray and cut the throat of a 86-year-old priest at the altar. Photograph: AFP/Getty Images

French police were warned that one of the two Normandy hostage-takers was planning an attack four days before the murder of a Catholic priest but were unable to identify him.

France's security services said they had received an alert from abroad and a photograph of an individual – later identified as Abdel Malik Nabil Petitjean – but had no idea of his name or where and when he would strike. As a result, they were unable to link the information to the 19-year-old from Aix-les-Bains in the Savoie region of eastern France who was put on the Fiche S (S list) security register less than a month ago for attempting to travel to Syria.

The French intelligence services claimed the Turkish authorities, who picked up Petitjean on his way to Syria on June 10th, did not inform them of his arrest for 15 days. The security services put him on the S list on June 29th and alerted border authorities to arrest him when he reentered France, but, unknown to them, he had slipped through the net and already returned.


On Thursday, French police arrested a 20-year-old man also on the S list, who was reported to have been in contact with one of the Normandy attackers. “There is no evidence at this stage that he was aware of their plans,” a police spokesperson said.


About 10,000 people in France are on the S list, most of them alleged religious extremists, but officials say it is impossible to keep a close eye on each one.

Petitjean was on Thursday identified as the subject of the mysterious tip-off from abroad that a “person already on French soil” was planning an attack.

On Tuesday, Petitjean and Abed Kermiche (19) took six people hostage at the church in Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray near Rouen in Normandy, where they slit the throat of 86-year-old Father Jacques Hamel, and stabbed a parishioner. The teenage attackers were shot by police as they left the church.

Identity card

Petitjean’s identity card was found in Kermiche’s home. Telephone records suggest the pair only met recently, implying the attack was carried out on external orders.

A video on a mobile telephone, found during a search of another S list-suspect, showed a young man resembling Petitjean declaring his allegiance to Islamic State, but police were reportedly unable to identify him. It took a while after the Normandy attack for police to definitively link the attacker – who had been shot in the face by police – to the photograph sent from abroad and the identity card.

Before Petitjean’s identity was confirmed by DNA tests, his mother Yamina refused to believe her son was involved. “No, no, no. It’s impossible. I know my son, he’s kind. I haven’t created a devil,” she told BFMTV. “He never talked about Islamic State ... we are positive people, we talk about good things ... he’s my baby.”

She insisted her son, who recently passed a CAP (professional aptitude certificate) in sales, was staying with a cousin in Nancy, but admitted neither she nor her 17-year-old daughter had heard from him since Monday evening. “Everyone around here knows my son. He’s a good boy. Calm,” she told RTL radio.

Three of Petitjean’s relatives were being questioned by police and the family home has been searched. Investigators insisted there was no evidence the three were in any way connected to the attack.

In Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray, the prefect banned a silent march to honour Fr Hamel, for security reasons, but allowed mourners to gather at the municipal stadium. Hamel's funeral will take place on Tuesday at Rouen cathedral. – Guardian service