Slovak PM Robert Fico says parties to split cabinet seats

Agreement is a step towards coalition of three small centrist and right-wing parties

Coalition would allow prime minister Robert Fico to stay in power after his Smer party lost its parliamentary majority. Photograph: Getty Images

Four Slovak parties led by the leftist Smer have reached an agreement on sharing out portfolios in a new government, prime minister Robert Fico said yesterday.

The agreement is a significant step towards forming a coalition including three small centrist and right-wing parties, which will allow Mr Fico to stay in power after his Smer party lost its parliamentary majority in a March 5 election.

“We have reached an agreement on the will to create a government coalition and on the arrangement of relations in parliament and the cabinet,” Mr Fico said after yesterday’s round of talks.

Smer will retain the post of prime minister, giving the 51 year-old Mr Fico his third term since 2006. It will also keep the finance ministry. – (Reuters)