Swedish doctor who held kidnapped woman in bunker gets 10 years

Martin Peter Trenneborg planned to keep victim prisoner for years, court heard

Martin Trenneborg’s house in Oestra Goeinge, north of Kristianstad, where he built a bunker including electronic locks, several rooms, a WC and a small enclosed courtyard. Photograph; Johan Nilsson/AFP/Getty Images

A Swedish doctor was sentenced to 10 years in jail for kidnapping a woman and keeping her in a specially constructed soundproof bunker.

Martin Peter Trenneborg, who held the woman for six days, had admitted kidnapping her but denied and was acquitted of a rape charge. The prosecutor said he had planned to hold her prisoner as his girlfriend for years.

Stockholm’s District Court said in the verdict the doctor had meticulously planned the deed for a long time.

“Furthermore, the doctor subjected the victim to serious risks by medicating her and by keeping her locked up in very unpleasant forms in the light and soundproof bunker,” it said in a statement.


The doctor (38) drugged the woman with strawberries spiked with a sedative in Stockholm before bringing her to a purpose-built bunker in his isolated house in southern Sweden, about 550km away.

The bunker, built during several years, featured electronic locks and had several rooms, a WC and a small enclosed courtyard. – (Reuters)