Turkish government says it ‘respects right to non-violent protest’

Deputy prime minister tells US Turkey must protect its citizens against violence

A protestors takes cover from tear gas during clashes with Turkish police near Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s office yesterday in Istanbul. Photograph: Uriel Sinai/Getty Images

One of Turkey’s deputy prime ministers has said his government respects the right to non-violent protest and free speech, but must also protect its citizens against violence.

At an event in Washington with US vice president Joe Biden, Ali Babacan was mostly conciliatory about the protesters in Turkey who have been expressing discontent with prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's 10-year rule.

But he also implied that some were provoking violence for political ends.

Mr Babacan said: “We should be very careful when we evaluate the recent ongoing events in Turkey.There is a need for a strict distinction between the terrorist groups or illegal organisations versus citizens who are purely protesting on a non-violent basis.”


Tens of thousands of Turks have joined anti-government rallies since Friday, when police raided a peaceful sit-in at Istanbul’s main Taksim Square.

Speaking before Mr Babacan at the American-Turkish Council’s annual conference, Mr Biden said only Turks could solve the problems behind the protests but the US was concerned and was not indifferent to the outcome.

“It raises concerns around the world, including in our own country,” he said.

Tens of thousands of mostly secular-minded Turks have joined anti-government rallies since police launched a pre-dawn raid against a peaceful sit-in protesting at plans to uproot trees in Taksim Square.

Since then, the demonstrations have spiralled into Turkey’s biggest anti-government disturbances in years.

Mr Biden said the US supported free assembly, a free press and non-violence by government and demonstrators and Turkey should not choose between democracy and economic progress.

Mr Babacan’s comments followed an apology yesterday by fellow deputy prime minister Bulent Arinc, who called the crackdown on protesters “wrong and unjust”.

Protests have been directed at what critics say is Mr Erdogan’s aggressive and authoritarian style of governing.

Many accuse him of forcing his conservative, religious outlook on citizens’ lives in the mainly Muslim, but secular nation. Mr Erdogan rejects the accusations and says he respects all lifestyles.