US pushes for tighter European airport security amid bomb concerns

Bombmakers believed to be trying to develop explosives that could avoid detection by screening systems

The US government is in discussion with European authorities on measures that could include extra scrutiny of US-bound passengers’ electronics and footwear, and installation of additional bomb-detection machines. Photograph: Brian Tietz/AP Photo/Cedar Rapids Gazette

The Obama administration is pushing for increased security precautions at European airports because of concerns that al-Qaeda operatives in Syria and Yemen have teamed up to develop bombs that can be smuggled on to planes, US officials said yesterday.

The US government is in discussion with European authorities on measures that could include extra scrutiny of US-bound passengers’ electronics and footwear, and installation of additional bomb-detection machines, according to law-enforcement and security officials.

Following the call for heightened precautions, the UK transport department said security was being increased at British airports.

Bombmakers from the Nusra Front, al-Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria, and Yemen-based al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) are believed to be working together to try to develop explosives that could avoid detection by current airport screening systems, US national security sources said.


The main concern is that militant groups could try to blow up US or Europe-bound planes by concealing bombs on foreign fighters carrying western passports who spent time with Islamist rebel factions in the region, the sources said.

Attacks plotted

AQAP already has a record for plotting such attacks. It was behind a failed 2009 attempt by a militant with a bomb hidden in his underwear to blow up a Detroit-bound airliner.

US officials believe Nusra and AQAP operatives have carried out operational testing of new bomb designs in Syria, where Nusra is one of the main Islamist groups fighting to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad, a national security source said. The “stealth” explosives the bombmakers are trying to design include non-metallic bombs, ABC News reported.

There was no immediate indication that US intelligence has detected a specific plot or timeframe for carrying out such an attack.

But officials are especially worried that the recent battlefield successes of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (Isis), an al-Qaeda splinter group, have drawn a growing number of militants from America and Europe to the jihadist cause and they would have easy access to flights to US cities. – (Reuters)