Work on Calais wall to shut out migrants to begin, says UK

‘Big, new wall’ part of €20m security package for French port, says immigration minister

Building on the 1km-long wall along the ferry port’s main dual-carriageway approach road, known as the Rocade, is due to start this month. Photograph: Jack Taylor/Getty Images

Work is about to begin on "a big, new wall" in Calais as the latest attempt to prevent refugees and migrants jumping aboard lorries heading for the Channel port, the UK's immigration minister has confirmed.

Robert Goodwill told MPs on Tuesday that the 4m-high wall was part of a £17 million (€20 million) package of joint Anglo-French security measures at the port.

“People are still getting through,” he said. “We have done the fences. Now we are doing the wall.”

Building work on the wall along the ferry port's main dual-carriageway approach road, known as the Rocade, is due to start this month. – (Guardian service)