Zika virus: Europe’s first pregnancy case reported in Spain

Woman infected after travelling to Colombia is under supervision, says health ministry

The World Health Organization on everything you need to know about the Zika Virus. Video: WHO

A pregnant woman is among the seven people identified as being infected with the Zika virus in Spain after visiting affected countries.

The country's health ministry said the woman travelled to Colombia, was presumably infected during the trip and is in her second trimester of pregnancy.

She is under medical supervision in Catalonia.

The ministry said the number of cases diagnosed so far is within expectations and does not pose a risk for the virus to be spread in Spain.


International health authorities are trying to determine if the mosquito-borne illness is linked to birth defects in Brazil.

Meanwhile, Brazilian health authorities confirmed on Thursday a case of transmission of Zika through a transfusion of blood from a donor who had been infected with the virus.

The health department of Campinas, an industrial city near Sao Paulo, said a man with gunshot wounds became infected with Zika after multiple blood transfusions in April 2015.

Officials said they determined that one of the people whose donated blood was used in the transfusion had been infected with Zika.
