Four killed, dozens wounded in suicide bombing in Istanbul

Explosion happened on Istiklal Street, the city’s main pedestrian shopping area

Turkish police push people away after an explosion on Istiklal Street in Istanbul on Saturday. Photograph: Reuters

Four people have been killed after a suicide bomb attack on Istanbul’s main pedestrian shopping street, the city’s governor said.

Vasip Sahin said 20 others were injured following the blast on Istiklal Street, three of whom are in a serious condition.

NTV television said the explosion occurred outside a shopping centreon the thoroughfare, which is home to cafés, restaurants and foreign consulate buildings.

Turkey is on edge following two recent suicide bomb attacks in the capital Ankara, which were claimed by a Kurdish militant group, an off-shoot of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).


Turkey had heightened security in Ankara and Istanbul in the run-up to the Kurdish spring festival on March 21.

Armed police sealed off the main shopping street where half a dozen ambulances had gathered. Forensic teams in white suits were scouring the area for evidence.
