François Hollande: Donald Trump makes my stomach turn

French president criticises Republican nominee’s remarks about Muslim soldier

Katrina Pierson, a spokesperson for Donald Trump, suggests that Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton are to blame for the death of Humayun Khan. Video: CNN

French president François Hollande has strongly criticised US presidential candidate Donald Trump, saying some of the things the Republican nominee does make him sick.

"Some excesses make your stomach turn, even in the United States, especially when — as did Donald Trump — he speaks ill of a soldier, of the memory of a soldier," Mr Hollande said, according to sources at a meeting with members of the French Presidential Press Association.

Mr Hollande was referring to Mr Trump's recent comments about captain Humayun Khan, a US Muslim soldier killed in Iraq in 2004.

In response to an emotional attack on him by the parents of the 27-year-old army captain, who died in a suicide bombing, Mr Trump had claimed to have made sacrifices equal to their son.


A range of figures and organizations from across the political spectrum from John McCain to Barack Obama to the Veterans of Foreign Wars have criticized him for his comments.

In June, the French president said he would consider Mr Trump's election dangerous and it would complicate relationships between Europe and the United States, in an interview with Les Echos newspaper.
