At least 40 people killed in attacks in Yemen port city

Dozens wounded in missile attack and co-ordinated suicide bombings in Aden

Soldiers rush to help the injured following a missile attack on a military parade during a graduation ceremony for newly recruited troopers in Aden. Photograph: Fawaz Salman/Reuters

At least 40 people have been killed and dozens wounded in a missile attack and co-ordinated suicide bombings in the southern port city of Aden, according to officials and witnesses.

A health official said the missile struck a military parade under way in Aden, the temporary seat of the UN-recognised government.

The website of the country's Houthi rebels quoted spokesman Brigadier General Yehia Sarea as saying the rebels fired a ballistic missile at forces loyal to the United Arab Emirates, a member of the Saudi-led coalition fighting the Iran-backed Houthis since 2015.

The parade was taking place in the Breiqa neighbourhood. The official did not give a breakdown for the casualties at the parade but said several commanders were among the casualties.


Abdel Dayem Ahmed, a senior police official, told the Associated Press 11 were killed earlier in the day when an explosives-laden car, a bus and three motorcycles targeted a police station during a morning line-up. – AP