Bombs in Kabul diplomatic zone soon after John Kerry visit

US Secretary of State held meeting with Afghanistan president Ashraf Ghani

US Secretary of State John Kerry listens as Afghan foreign minister Salahuddin Rabbani speaks during a conference in Kabul, Afghanistan. Photograph: Massoud Hossaini/Reuters

At least two explosions have hit the diplomatic zone of Kabul, shortly after visiting US Secretary of State John Kerry left following meetings with Afghan officials including President Ashraf Ghani.

Gunshots were also heard but it was not immediately clear what had caused the explosions, which came following a period of relative calm in the Afghan capital.

Earlier on Saturday, Mr Kerry suggested that Afghanistan’s national unity government could continue beyond September, a step that could irk the opposition even as he attempts to avert a brewing political crisis.

Kerry’s unannounced visit to Kabul was intended to demonstrate support for the national unity government headed by Mr Ghani, victor of the disputed election of 2014 and his runner up chief executive Abdullah Abdullah.


The visit came at a difficult moment for Afghanistan, with Ghani’s government weakened by infighting between rivals, the economy sinking and the resurgent Taliban stronger than at any time since they were toppled from power in late 2001.