Iraq declares ‘victory’ over Islamic State in Mosul

Iraqi troops fight to clear militants that are holding onto small area of the Old City

As Iraqi forces retake Mosul from Islamic State, Kurdish broadcaster Radaw claim to have interviewed an injured boy they say hid in a basement in the city for 20 days during the fighting. Video: Radaw

Iraqi forces are pushing to retake the last patch of ground in Mosul where Islamic State militants are holding on to a tiny sliver of the Old City.

The operation comes a day after the prime minister visited soldiers to congratulate his troops on the hard-fought battle.

Brigadier General Haider Fadhil of the Iraqi special forces says his men, closely backed by US-led coalition airstrikes, are continuing to advance and clear territory in the Old City on Monday.

Iraqi commanders say they believe hundreds of IS fighters remain inside the neighbourhood and are using their families — including women and children — as human shields.


Iraqi prime minister Haider al-Abadi arrived in Mosul on Sunday and congratulated the armed forces for their “victory” over Islamic State after nearly nine months of urban warfare, bringing an end to jihadist rule in the city.

Islamic State’s defeat in Mosul three years after taking the city is a major blow for the hardline Sunni Islamist group, which is also losing ground in its operational base in the Syrian city of Raqqa, where it has planned global attacks.

Iraqi federal police celebrate in the Old City of Mosul on Saturday. Photograph: Ahmed Saad/Reuters

The group, however, still controls territory in Iraq and is expected to revert to more conventional insurgent tactics such as bombings as its self-proclaimed caliphate falls apart.

The battle for Mosul – by far the largest city to fall under the militants’ control – has left large areas in ruins, killed thousands of civilians and displaced nearly one million people.

“The commander in chief of the armed forces [prime minister] Haider al-Abadi arrived in the liberated city of Mosul and congratulated the heroic fighters and Iraqi people for the great victory,” his office said in a statement.

State television later showed Abadi touring Mosul on foot alongside residents of Iraq’s second-largest city.

Air strikes and exchanges of gunfire could still be heard in the narrow streets of Mosul’s Old City, where the group has staged its last stand against Iraqi forces backed by a US-led international coalition.

Led the battle

Abadi met commanders in west Mosul who led the battle, but he has yet to issue a formal declaration that the entire city has been retaken from the group which is also known as Isis.

Still, French president Emmanuel Macron – whose country is part of the coalition that has conducted air strikes and provided training and assistance to Iraqi forces on the battlefield, welcomed the defeat.

“Mosul liberated from Isis: France pays homage to all those, who alongside our troops, contributed to this victory,” Mr Macron said on his Twitter account.

Iraq still faces uncertainty and long-term stability will be possible only if the government contains ethnic and sectarian tensions which have dogged the country since the overthrow of Saddam Hussein in 2003.

The fall of Mosul exposes fractures between Arabs and Kurds over disputed territories, and between Sunnis and the Shiite majority.

The group vowed to “fight to the death” in Mosul, but Iraqi military spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Rasool told state TV that 30 militants had been killed attempting to flee by swimming across the river Tigris that bisects the city.

A general view of the destruction in Mosul’s Old City. Photograph: AFP/Getty Images

Cornered in a shrinking area, the militants resorted to sending women suicide bombers among the thousands of civilians who are emerging from the battlefield wounded, malnourished and fearful, Iraqi army officers said.

The struggle has also exacted a heavy toll on Iraq’s security forces.

The Iraqi government does not reveal casualty figures, but a funding request from the US department of defence said the elite Counter Terrorism Service, which has spearheaded the fight in Mosul, had suffered 40 per cent losses.

Coalition air strikes

The department of defence has requested $1.269 billion in US budget funds for 2018 to continue supporting Iraqi forces, which collapsed in the face of the few hundred militants who overran Mosul in 2014.

Backed by coalition air strikes, an array of Iraqi forces gradually clawed back territory from Islamic State until reaching Mosul, the group’s de facto capital in Iraq, last October.

It is almost exactly three years since the ultra-hardline group's leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi proclaimed a "caliphate" spanning Syria and Iraq from the pulpit of Mosul's medieval Grand al-Nuri mosque.

Abadi declared the end of Islamic State’s “state of falsehood” a week ago, after security forces retook the mosque – although only after retreating militants blew it up.

Smoke rises over Mosul following an airstrike by US-led international coalition forces targeting Islamic State. Photograph: AFP/Getty Images

The United Nations predicts it will cost more than $1 billion to repair basic infrastructure in Mosul. In some of the worst affected areas, almost no buildings appear to have escaped damage and Mosul's dense construction means the extent of the devastation might be underestimated, UN officials said.

Reuters and PA