Iraq’s parliament approves resignation of prime minister

Adel Abdul Mahdi’s move comes after widespread and violent anti-government protests

Iraqi prime minister Adel Abdul Mahdi had offered to quit earlier but then insisted he’d only go once lawmakers agreed on a replacement. Photograph: Hussein Faleh/AFP/Getty/File

Iraq’s parliament approved the resignation of prime minister Adel Abdul Mahdi after some of the worst violence during two months of anti-government protests.

The parliament’s speaker will ask the president to appoint a new prime minister, according to its media department.

Mr Mahdi had last week called on parliament to accept his resignation and move quickly to find a successor, saying the country needs a new leader to end violent protests. Mr Mahdi, who’s backed by neighbouring power Iran, had offered to quit earlier but then insisted he’d only go once lawmakers agreed on a replacement.

More than 400 people have died in clashes between security forces and protesters since October 1st, according to Iraq’s independent High Human Rights Commission.


Iraqis, mostly from the Shi’ite majority population, are protesting against government corruption, poor services, and wide-ranging Iranian political influence, calling for an overhaul of the ruling class. – Bloomberg