Israeli settlers accept deal to leave illegal Amona outpost

Government deal averts confrontation with troops in settlement in occupied West Bank

Israel’s housing minister Yoav Galant (centre-left) visits the illegal outpost of Amona, built on private Palestinian land on Sunday. Photograph: Jack Guez/AFP via Getty

Settlers due to be evicted from an outpost in the occupied West Bank under an Israeli court order accepted a government-proposed deal on Sunday to head off a forced evacuation and confrontation with troops.

The Supreme Court had ruled that the Amona outpost, where 330 settlers live, must be evacuated by December 25th. The court found that Amona was built illegally on privately-owned Palestinian land.

The case, a test of authority between an increasingly politically powerful far-right in Israel and an independent judiciary, led to legislation that would retroactively legalise settlement homes on Palestinian-owned tracts.

The proposed law has been promoted by ultranationalist partners in prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition government and received backing from the Israeli leader.


It needs to pass two more parliamentary votes to become law, but ultimately could be overturned by the Supreme Court, where it is expected to face legal challenges by settlement opponents.

Land grab

Due to the existing court eviction order, Amona was not included in the Bill. The legislation was condemned by western powers and the United Nations, and described by Palestinians as a land grab and a step towards annexation of the West Bank.

With concern mounting over possible clashes with Amona settlers and militant supporters, Netanyahu and far-right coalition member Naftali Bennett held late-night talks with settler leaders on Saturday.

They agreed to increase the number of mobile homes that would be placed at a new site in Amona, on what Israel describes as land it holds in custodianship for absentee Palestinian owners. Settlers accepted the deal in a vote in Amona’s synagogue on Sunday.

But the proposal could face a snag: “absentee” status can be challenged in court if a property owner comes forward. An Israeli anti-settlement group said on Sunday it had located a Palestinian owner who would bring legal action.


Since Israel captured the West Bank in a 1967 war, it has built about 120 formal settlements in the territory. Most of the world regards them as illegal and an obstacle to the establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

As well as the main settlements that Israel fully supports, settlers have created more than 100 outposts – many on hilltops across the West Bank, often with tacit government backing.

Right-wing politicians in Israel have been buoyed by signals from US president-elect Donald Trump of a more accepting US stance on settlements. Mr Trump has said he would move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which would break with longstanding US foreign policy and anger the Muslim world. –(Reuters)