Yemen: Children killed after missile hits hospital, says charity

Save the Children says at least seven killed, eight wounded at rural hospital

Houthi militiamen riding a vehicle patrol in Sana’a, Yemen. File photograph: Yahya Arhab/EPA

Save The Children says a hospital it supports in Yemen has been hit by an airstrike, and at least seven people have been killed.

The humanitarian organisation said in a statement that four of those killed were children. It said eight people were wounded and two adults are unaccounted for.

Save The Children said a missile struck a petrol station near the entrance to Ritaf rural hospital, about 60 miles from the city of Sa’dah in north-western Yemen at 9:30am local time on Tuesday.

It said: “The missile was said to have landed within 50 metres of the facility’s main building.”


The organisation said the hospital had open been open for half an hour and many patients and staff were arriving on a busy morning. – Associated Press