Podcast: Venezuela on the brink of collapse

Our correspondent Tom Hennigan on political arrests, protests and President Maduro

Anti-Maduro protests: security forces line up against a demonstrator in Caracas. Photograph: Carlos Garcia Rawlins/Reuters

With the arrest of Venezuelan opposition leaders and the establishment of a new “legislative superbody” that will concentrate power in the hands of President Nicolás Maduro, the nation’s democracy is now, like its economy, on the brink of collapse.

On today's World View podcast we talk to our correspondent in South America, Tom Hennigan, about the arrests, the ongoing protests and whether pressure from Venezuela's neighbours or the United States is likely to have any benefit.

We also talk to our correspondent in Moscow, Isabel Gorst, about the decline in relations that has led to the imposition of new sanctions on Russia by the United States Congress and Vladimir Putin's expulsion of hundreds of American diplomatic staff in retaliation. What do sanctions really mean for Russia's economy, and is Donald Trump still popular there?

Declan Conlon

Declan Conlon

Declan Conlon is head of audio at The Irish Times