Boy (16) charged over Aberdeen school stabbing

Candle-lit vigil to be held following death of teenager Bailey Gwynne

A policeman stands beside floral tributes at the gates of Cults Academy Aberdeen, Scotland. Photograph: Reuters

A 16-year-old boy has been charged in connection with the death of Bailey Gwynne, who was fatally stabbed at an Aberdeen secondary school.

Bailey, also 16, suffered serious injuries in an incident at Cults Academy, in the west of the city, at about 1.30pm on Wednesday.

He died a short time later at the city’s Royal Infirmary, sparking a murder investigation.

Police Scotland today confirmed that a 16-year-old male has been "charged in relation to the death" of the schoolboy.


He is expected to appear at Aberdeen Sheriff Court on Friday.

The comprehensive school is in an affluent suburb of Aberdeen and serves the lower Deeside area. It has more than 1,000 pupils.

Following the incident, Aberdeen City Council chief executive Angela Scott said on her blog to staff: "I know that there were individual acts of heroism at the school yesterday and I fully appreciate that there were sights and experiences for many that you simply do not expect to have to face."

She said measures were being put in place to make sure pupils, parents and staff are given the support they need following the incident.

Head teacher Anna Muirhead has described Bailey as "gentle and caring", and told of the shock within the school community following his death.

Counselling is being made available to pupils and staff at the school, which has been closed for the rest of the week.

A candle-lit vigil will be held on Thursday night at Cults Parish Church, North Deeside Road.

At first minister's questions, Nicola Sturgeon said the thoughts of MSPs at Holyrood were with Bailey's loved ones and those affected by the death.

She also stressed that such incidents are "extremely rare in our schools", and pledged the Scottish Government would make sure any lessons which need to be learned are learned.