Covid vaccines to be made mandatory for UK care home workers

Move comes after concerns over low uptake of jabs in some areas, particularly London

There are concerns that some parts of the country, such as London, have particularly low uptake of vaccines for care home staff. Photograph: Daniel Leal-Olivas/AFP/Getty Images

The British government is to announce that care home workers will be required to have mandatory coronavirus vaccinations.

UK health secretary Matt Hancock is known to be in favour of the move, while England’s chief medical officer, Professor Chris Whitty, has said doctors and care workers have a “professional responsibility” to protect their patients.

Ministers will announce the move in the coming days, the PA news agency has been told, after a consultation on using staff vaccination in England to protect the most vulnerable from Covid-19.

Consultation will also begin on whether other health and care workers should also have the jabs.


It comes after concerns that some parts of the country, such as London, have particularly low uptake of vaccines for care home staff.

Overall NHS figures to June 6th show that 84 per cent of staff in older adult care homes in England have had one dose of vaccine, and almost 69 per cent have had both jabs.

But NHS data shows that in Hackney, in east London, for example, just 66.7 per cent of staff in older adult care homes have had their first dose, with only 58.6 per cent of staff in the borough having both doses.

A Department of Health and Social Care spokeswoman said: “Vaccines are our way out of this pandemic and have already saved thousands of lives — with millions of health and care staff vaccinated.

“Our priority is to make sure people in care homes are protected and we launched the consultation to get views on whether and how the Government might take forward a new requirement for adult care home providers, looking after older people, to only deploy staff who have had a Covid-19 vaccination or have an appropriate exemption.”


The decision, first reported by the Guardian, is controversial, with the GMB union saying that more than a third of carers would consider leaving their jobs if vaccinations become compulsory.

GMB national officer Rachel Harrison said: “Carers have been at the forefront of this pandemic, risking their lives to keep our loved ones safe, often enduring almost Victorian working standards in the process.

“The Government could do a lot to help them: address their pay, terms and conditions, increasing the rate of and access to contractual sick pay, banning zero hours, and ensuring more mobile NHS vaccination teams so those working night shifts can get the jab.

“Instead, ministers are ploughing ahead with plans to strongarm care workers into taking the vaccine without taking seriously the massive blocks these workers still face in getting jabbed.”

Research published last month by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) found that black African and mixed black African staff are almost twice as likely to decline a vaccination as white British and white Irish participants.

Reasons included concerns about a lack of research and distrust in the vaccines, healthcare providers, and policymakers.

Some social care staff also described “quite a battle” in getting jabs, saying they received mixed messages about whether they should organise vaccination through their employer or GP.

Unison general secretary Christina McAnea said of the Government’s decision: “The only way out of the pandemic is for everyone that can to have their jabs.

“Research shows encouragement achieves better results with the nervous than threats or coercion.

“The Government’s sledgehammer approach now runs the risk that some care staff may simply walk away from an already understaffed, undervalued and underpaid sector.”

The UK’s human rights watchdog, the Equality and Human Rights Commission, has however concluded it is “reasonable” to legally require care home staff to be vaccinated.

But it did advise that safeguards should be included to minimise the risk of discrimination by including exemptions including for staff who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons. –PA