Jeremy Corbyn wins backing of 84% of local Labour parties

Leader wins support of 285 constituency Labour parties, with rival Smith getting 53

Jeremy Corbyn supporters in Gateshead, England: “These results further suggest that Labour members strongly support Jeremy Corbyn in his bid to remain Labour leader,” says the Corbyn campaign. Photograph: Ian Forsyth/Getty Images

Jeremy Corbyn has won local party nominations by a landslide in the British Labour leadership contest, getting 84 per cent of constituency nominations at the final count.

The Labour leader won the support of 285 constituency Labour parties (CLPs), with his rival Owen Smith taking just 53 nominations.

Mr Corbyn has more than doubled his support among local parties since the 2015 leadership contest, though there were four candidates then rather than two. In 2015, he won support from 39 per cent of CLPs.

Since then, he has taken support from CLPs who nominated all three other candidates in 2015 – Andy Burnham, Yvette Cooper and Liz Kendall – across the political spectrum in the party.


The Corbyn campaign said it was delighted with the endorsements.

"We're really grateful to have received so much support from constituency Labour parties across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, " it said.

“Jeremy Corbyn is the only candidate who can draw on support from Labour members right across our country. These results further suggest that Labour members strongly support Jeremy Corbyn in his bid to remain Labour leader.

Positive case

“Our campaign will continue to make the positive case for democracy in our party and for Jeremy Corbyn’s plan to rebuild and transform Britain so that no one and nowhere is left behind.”

Mr Corbyn's candidacy has also been endorsed by the two largest trade unions, Unison and Unite, as well as smaller unions and Young Labour. – (Guardian service)