Podcast: The Tory rebels take on Boris Johnson

Prime minister set for showdown with parliament over attempts to block no-deal Brexit

British prime minister Boris Johnson making a statement to MPs in the House of Commons on Tuesday. Photograph: PA Wire

World View is a weekly foreign affairs podcast from The Irish Times. Listen on Apple Podcasts, on Spotify, on Stitcher or on Soundcloud.

The House of Commons is set for a showdown as rebel Conservative Party MPs seek to introduce legislation on Tuesday, blocking a no-deal exit from EU. British prime minister Boris Johnson held a last-ditch meeting with potential rebels within his party on Tuesday morning, including former cabinet ministers, but is reported to have failed in his bid to win them over.

On this week's World View podcast, London Editor Denis Staunton is on the line from London to explain how things might play out and whether a general election is likely to be called. Johnson, meanwhile, has yet to provide the EU with alternatives to the Irish backstop as outlined in the Withdrawal Agreement. Europe Editor Patrick Smyth reports on how the goings on at Westminster are being viewed in Brussels. Is there any truth to Johnson's claim that negotiations are bearing fruit?