UK police shoot dead two rampaging dogs

Owner arrested after two people attacked in Bolton

One of the pitbull-type dogs which was shot dead by police after a man and a woman were bitten. Photograph: PA

Police have shot dead two pitbull-type dogs after they went on the rampage, attacking passersby in Bolton in the north of England.

Greater Manchester police said two other pitbull-type dogs involved in the incident on Sunday morning have been seized and they are still searching for another.

A 38-year-old man believed to be the owner was arrested on suspicion of allowing a dog to be dangerously out of control in a public place, and affray. A 60-year-old woman suffered a bite to the hand, a man was bitten on the leg, and a dog suffered serious injuries.

A witness told the Manchester Evening News: "We saw two dogs that were not on leads and about four or five dogs on a lead being held by a man. The ones off the leads were chasing the police officers and they had to shoot them otherwise they were going to attack them.They were quite big dogs that looked like pitbulls. The man who was arrested was crying because the dogs had died."


– Guardian service