Donald Trump calls US election results ‘a major fraud’

Senate race: President vows to go to Supreme Court despite no evidence of fraud

US President Donald Trump speaks during election night in the East Room of the White House in Washington, DC. Photograph: AFP

US President Donald Trump has called the US election results “a major fraud” and vowed to take the process to the Supreme Court.

Mr Trump cried foul over the election results during an appearance before supporters at the White House early on Wednesday morning and made premature claims of victory in several key states.

But there is no evidence of foul play in the cliffhanger and it is unclear exactly what legal action Mr Trump might try to pursue.

Several states allow postal votes to be accepted after polling day, as long as they were postmarked by Tuesday. That includes Pennsylvania, where ballots postmarked by November 3rd can be accepted if they arrive up to three days after the election.


Mr Trump suggested those ballots should not be counted.

Earlier, Mr Trump carried Florida, the nation’s most prized battleground state. The three Northern industrial states of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania could now prove crucial in determining who wins the White House.

In his appearance at the White House he claimed “a very sad group of people is try to disenfranchise” his voters “and we won’t stand for it”.

He said he and his supporters were getting ready to celebrate an election win and he claimed incorrectly that everything “was just called off”.

He added: “This is a fraud on the American public, this is an embarrassment for our country. We were getting ready to win this election, frankly we did win this election.”

Focus has moved to the so-called “rust belt” after Mr Trump carried Florida along with the other crucial swing states of Texas, Iowa and Ohio, where Mr Biden had made a strong play in the final stages of the campaign. – Agencies