Jimmy Carter recovering in hospital after brain procedure

Former US president (95) underwent operation to relieve pressure caused by recent falls

Former US president Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalynn attend the inauguration of Donald Trump in Washington, DC in January 2017. Photograph: Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty

Former US president Jimmy Carter was recovering at an Atlanta hospital on Tuesday after safely undergoing a procedure to relieve pressure on his brain from bleeding caused by recent falls, the Carter Center said in a statement.

The country’s oldest living president at age 95, Mr Carter was admitted to Emory University Hospital on Monday evening for the scheduled procedure, which took place three weeks after he suffered a minor pelvic fracture in a fall at his home in Plains, Georgia.

“There are no complications from the surgery. President Carter will remain in the hospital as long as advisable for observation,” the statement said.

Mr Carter had another fall earlier in October which required stitches to his face, but he resumed work soon after on a homebuilding project for the nonprofit group Habitat for Humanity.


In May, the former Democratic president broke his hip, also at home, requiring him to undergo surgery. He was hospitalised briefly in 2017 for dehydration and was diagnosed with skin cancer in 2015.

Nobel prize winner

Mr Carter, a former peanut farmer and Georgia governor, defeated Republican president Gerald Ford in 1976 to become the nation’s 39th president, serving a single four-year term in the White House.

His presidency was overshadowed by an economic recession, an energy crisis and the taking of US hostages by Iran, but he also played a leading role in brokering the Camp David Accords leading to an Egypt-Israel peace treaty.

He lost his 1980 re-election bid to Republican Ronald Reagan.

After leaving office in 1981, Mr Carter went on to become an international fixture and a noted humanitarian. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 for his efforts toward finding peaceful solutions to international conflicts, advancing democracy and human rights and promoting economic and social development.

He and his wife Rosalynn founded the Carter Center in 1982 to carry on their international and humanitarian work.

Carter has lived longer after leaving the White House than any former president in US history. – Reuters