Orphaned sisters reunite by chance after 40 years

Two Korean women got jobs in same Florida hospital years after their separate adoptions

Sarasota in Florida. Photograph: Sarasota County

Two orphaned South Korean sisters were recently reunited by chance in Florida after they were hired by the same hospital 40 years after their adoptions by different sets of American parents.

Holly Hoyle O’Brien (46) and her half-sister Meaghan Hughes (44) were orphaned in their native Pusan, South Korea in the mid-1970s when their father was hit by a train, the sisters told reporters.

Neither can recall their mothers.

Meaghan - whose birth name is Eun-Sook Shin - was adopted in 1976 and grew up in Kingston, New York.


Holly, or Pok-nam Shin, was adopted two years later and went to live in Alexandria, Virginia.

Haunted by thoughts of her biological sister, Holly contacted the orphanage in South Korea years later but could find no records of Eun-Sook.

Their chances of reuniting got a boost this year when both were hired just months apart at Doctors Hospital in Sarasota.

Meaghan had been living in the area since 1981 after her family moved there. Holly arrived in Sarasota in 2005.

They met while working the same shift and quickly discovered that they had unusual similarities.

They ordered DNA kits to test whether they were related and the lab results came back positive.

“I knew in the back of my mind she’s somewhere out there and I never gave up on her,” Holly said.

Other cases

Their story, however rare, is not without precedent.

In July, the New York Times reported the case of two pairs of Colombian identical twins who were mixed up at birth due to a hospital error and raised by separate families as fraternal twins, only to be reunited at the age of 24 after friends spotted the uncanny resemblance.

In 2013, two Florida-born sisters adopted by different parents discovered each other in a creative writing class at Columbia University, according to media reports.

The Shin sisters in Florida said that they never imagined they’d be working in the same profession, let alone the same hospital.

“But I’m glad I joined in this field instead of something else,” Holly said.
