Trump hits back at Michael Cohen over secret recording

US leader says tape of conversation about alleged affair with model was ‘perhaps illegal’

US president Donald Trump has denied wrongdoing over a secret recording by his onetime attorney. File photograph: Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

US president Donald Trump on Saturday denied any wrongdoing a day after reports that his onetime attorney Michael Cohen had recorded them both discussing buying the rights to a story by a woman who said she had an affair with Trump.

The president said in a tweet it might be illegal for a lawyer to record a client. An attorney for Cohen called Trump’s statement “false.”

“Inconceivable that the government would break into a lawyer’s office (early in the morning) - almost unheard of,” Mr Trump tweeted, in an apparent reference to an FBI raid on Cohen in April.

“Even more inconceivable that a lawyer would tape a client - totally unheard of & perhaps illegal. The good news is that your favorite President did nothing wrong!” Mr Trump added.


Mr Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani told Reuters on Friday Cohen recorded a conversation with Trump in September, two months before the 2016 election, in which they discussed buying the rights to a story by a former Playboy model, Karen McDougal, who said she had an affair with Mr Trump.

On Saturday, Mr Giuliani told Reuters the conversation was held at Mr Trump’s office in Trump Tower and that Cohen used a hidden device to record the conversation. In New York state, it is legal to record a conversation if one party consents.

Mr Giuliani said no campaign funding was involved in the discussion between Mr Trump and Mr Cohen, who has distanced himself from Mr Trump in recent months as the FBI investigates Mr Cohen’s business dealings. If campaign funds were used, that could run afoul of federal election law, legal experts say.

In a tweet on Saturday, Lanny Davis, a lawyer for MrCohen, called MrTrump and Mr Giuliani's strategy "flawed" and the president's Twitter statement against Mr Cohen "false."

Rights to story

Before the election, the Trump campaign denied any knowledge of payment to Ms McDougal, but the taped conversation could undermine those denials.

Mr Giuliani said the conversation involved reimbursing the parent company of the National Enquirer tabloid for Mr McDougal's story rights. The payment was never made, he said.

“It’s pretty clear from the tape, it’s the first time Trump is finding out ... AMI had bought the rights from McDougal,” Mr Giuliani said in a short interview on Saturday.

AMI, American Media Inc, is the parent company of the National Enquirer. Mr Giuliani added that Mr Cohen was speaking with Mr Trump to tell him that information and Mr Cohen recommended Mr Trump buy the rights from AMI.

Mr Giuliani had earlier denied Mr Trump had an affair with Ms McDougal. He said the tape would show that Mr Trump makes clear that if there is going to be a payment, it should be done by check, which would be easily traced.

Speaking on Friday, Mr Giuliani said the FBI seized the recording this year during a raid on Mr Cohen’s office.

The FBI investigation stemmed in part from a referral by the US special counsel’s office, which is looking into possible coordination during the election campaign between Trump’s aides and Russian officials. Moscow denies US allegations that it interfered in the election and Trump denies any campaign ties to Russian officials.

A representative for Ms McDougal has not responded to requests for comment. The White House had also declined comment.

Ms McDougal has said she began a nearly year-long affair with Mr Trump in 2006 shortly after his wife, Melania, gave birth.

Stormy Daniels

She sold her story for $150,000 in August 2016 but it was never published by the National Enquirer, a practice known as "catch and kill" to prevent a potentially damaging story from becoming public. David Pecker, the chairman of parent company American Media Inc (AMI), is a friend of Mr Trump.

The New Yorker magazine reported in February that Mr Trump had an affair with Ms McDougal at the same time he had a relationship with porn star Stormy Daniels and that the National Enquirer prevented Ms McDougal's story being made public.

The White House has said Mr Trump denies having sex with Ms Daniels.

Federal prosecutors in New York are investigating Cohen for possible bank and tax fraud, and for possible campaign law violations linked to a $130,000 payment to Ms Daniels and other matters related to Mr Trump’s campaign, a person familiar with the investigation has told Reuters. Mr Cohen has not been charged with any crime.

While the American Bar Association said in 2001 it was not necessarily unethical for a lawyer to secretly record conversations with a client, Fordham University School of Law Professor Bruce Green said New York disciplinary authorities could take a more restrictive view of such recording unless extraordinary circumstances existed.

Such circumstances might include preventing harm to others or the lawyer’s need to establish his own defense to the client’s conduct.

Mr Green said Mr Cohen was unlikely to raise his need to defend himself to avoid an ethics charge “because if Trump and Cohen were committing crimes together, and that’s why Cohen recorded their calls, then Cohen has bigger disciplinary problems.” – Reuters