US veterans to form human shield at Dakota pipeline protest

Protesters oppose plans to route pipeline under lake near Native American reservation

Hollywood actor Shailene Woodley streams her arrest on Facebook Live during a protest against a planned pipeline that Native Americans say will desecrate sacred land and damage the environment. Video: Reuters

More than 2,000 US military veterans plan to form a human shield to protect protesters of a pipeline project near a Native American reservation in North Dakota, organisers said, just ahead of a federal deadline for activists to leave the camp they have been occupying.

It comes as North Dakota law enforcement backed away from a previous plan to cut off supplies to the camp – an idea quickly abandoned after an outcry and with law enforcement’s treatment of Dakota Access Pipeline protesters increasingly under the microscope.

The protesters have spent months rallying against plans to route the $3.8 billion (€3.6 billion) Dakota Access Pipeline beneath a lake near the Standing Rock Sioux reservation, saying it poses a threat to water resources and sacred Native American sites.

Protesters include various Native American tribes as well as environmentalists and even actors including Shailene Woodley.


State officials issued an order on Monday for activists to vacate the Oceti Sakowin camp, located on US Army Corps of Engineers land near Cannon Ball, North Dakota, citing harsh weather conditions.

The state's latest decision not to stop cars entering the protest site indicated local officials will not actively enforce Monday's emergency order to evacuate the camp issued by governor Jack Dalrymple.

Dalrymple warned on Wednesday that it was "probably not feasible" to reroute the pipeline, but said he had requested a meeting with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Council to rebuild a relationship.

“We need to begin now to talk about how we are going to return to a peaceful relationship,” he said on a conference call.

Human wall

The 1,885 km pipeline project, owned by Texas-based Energy Transfer Partners LP, is mostly complete, except for a segment planned to run under Lake Oahe, a reservoir formed by a dam on the Missouri River.

Veterans Stand for Standing Rock, a contingent of more than 2,000 US military veterans, intends to go to North Dakota by this weekend and form a human wall in front of police, protest organisers said on a Facebook page. Organisers could not immediately be reached for comment.

"I figured this was more important than anything else I could be doing," Guy Dull Knife (69), a Vietnam War army veteran, told Reuters at the main camp.

Dull Knife, a member of the Oglala Lakota tribe from the Pine Ridge Reservation of South Dakota, said he had been camping at the protest site for months.

Morton County Sheriff's Office spokesman Rob Keller said in an email his agency was aware of the veterans' plans, but would not comment further on how law enforcement will deal with demonstrators.

Former US marine Michael A Wood Jr is leading the effort along with Wesley Clark Jr, a writer whose father is retired US Army General Wesley Clark.

US Hoouse representative Tulsi Gabbard, a Democrat from Hawaii and a major in the Hawaii Army National Guard, has said on Twitter she will join the protesters on Sunday.

The Army Corps, citing safety concerns, has ordered the evacuation of the primary protest camp by December 5th, but said it would not forcibly remove people from the land.

Local law enforcement said on Tuesday they planned a blockade of the camp, but local and state officials later retreated, saying they would check vehicles only for certain prohibited supplies such as propane, and possibly issue fines.

Mr Dalrymple said on Wednesday that state officials never contemplated forcibly removing protesters and there had been no plans to block food or other supplies from the camp. “That would be a huge mistake from a humanitarian standpoint,” he said on the conference call.

He also warned protesters that while emergency responders would try to reach anyone in need, that would be contingent on weather conditions.

Protesters, who refer to themselves as “water protectors,” have been gearing up for the winter while they await the Army Corps decision on whether to allow Energy Transfer Partners to tunnel under the river. That decision has been delayed twice by the Army Corps.
