World's smallest baby boy goes home from Japan hospital

He was born at 24 weeks weighing 268 grams

A baby boy weighing 268 grams when born in August 2018, pictured here five days after his birth in Tokyo, Japan. Photograph: Keio University School of Medicine/Reuters

A baby boy weighing just 268 grams (9.45 oz) at birth was sent home after months in a Tokyo hospital, the smallest surviving male baby in the world, Keio University hospital said.

The boy was born through Caesarean-section last August after he failed to gain weight during the pregnancy and doctors feared his life was in danger.

The boy was in intensive care until his weight reached 3.2 kilograms and he was discharged on February 20th, said Dr. Takeshi Arimitsu of the university’s school of medicine, department of paediatrics.

“I am grateful that he has grown this big because, honestly, I wasn’t sure he could survive,” the boy’s mother said.


The previous record was held by a boy born in Germany in 2009 weighing 274 grams, according to the Tiniest Babies registry managed by the University of Iowa.

The smallest girl was born weighing 252 grams in Germany in 2015, according to the registry. -Reuters