Yes vote is best protection of neutrality - Ahern

A Yes vote will provide the "strongest protection ever" for Irish neutrality, the Taoiseach said today.

A Yes vote will provide the "strongest protection ever" for Irish neutrality, the Taoiseach said today.

Mr Ahern accused members of the No campaign of "tactically trying to dismiss [the Seville declaration] because they have a much wider and consistently anti-European agenda.

"People working for a Yes vote have as much commitment to Ireland's neutrality as anyone else. The suggestion that we are all part of a vast international conspiracy to drag Ireland into aggressive wars is simply ludicrous," the Taoiseach added.

He also urged people to use the final days before the referendum to look beyond the competing slogans on lampposts.


"It is very clear that some No campaigners are deliberately trying to confuse or scare people on this issue. I appeal to people to look beyond the slogans and to consider the facts," he said.

Fianna Fáil are holding 12 regional press conferences throughout the country today in a bid to emphasise their Yes campaign in the final days before the referendum.

The Taoiseach said he hopes to see a 50 per cent turnout on Saturday's referendum.

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times