Youth bit off ear part in attack, court told

A 17-year-old young man bit off part of another man's ear during an unprovoked attack, the Dublin Children's Court heard yesterday…

A 17-year-old young man bit off part of another man's ear during an unprovoked attack, the Dublin Children's Court heard yesterday.

The teenager, from north inner-city Dublin, is charged with assaulting the man, causing him harm, at Aldborough Road, in the early hours of June 20th last.

Judge Catherine Murphy was told that the Director of Public Prosecutions had held that the case against the teen was fit to be sent forward for trial to the Dublin Circuit Criminal Court.

Det Garda Patrick Keegan, of Fitzgibbon Street station, told Judge Murphy it was alleged that the teenager and another youth, aged 20, attacked the victim. "The 17-year-old had known the injured party over a number of years - he knew him well," he said.


"This was an unprovoked attack on the man, who could not defend himself. He was repeatedly kicked and his face stamped on." Det Garda Keegan said the 17-year-old was alleged to have bitten off a piece of the victim's ear, which needed to be reattached.

Judge Murphy refused jurisdiction to hear the case in the Children's Court after hearing the outline of the allegations.

She ordered trial on indictment in the Dublin Circuit Criminal Court and remanded the teen on bail until October, when he is to be served with the book of evidence in the case and returned for trial.