Youth due in Belfast court over July 12th riots

A 17-year-old youth is to appear in court this morning in connection with rioting that took place in north Belfast on July 12th…

A 17-year-old youth is to appear in court this morning in connection with rioting that took place in north Belfast on July 12th last.

He has been charged with riotous assembly and will appear in Laganside Magistrated Court this morning, according to a police spokeswoman.

Serious rioting erupted in the Ardoyne area of Belfast on July 12th after the contentious Orange Order march past the area without major incident.

Serious violence erupted when about 300 young nationalists started attacking police. A number of blast bombs were thrown at the police lines and a number of journalists were injured, one seriously. The PSNI said at least 40 officers were injured, one of them seriously during the rioting.