Youth in drugs case remanded

A TEENAGER who was charged over a seizure of €1 million worth of drugs in Finglas in Dublin in June has been remanded in custody…

A TEENAGER who was charged over a seizure of €1 million worth of drugs in Finglas in Dublin in June has been remanded in custody pending his trial.

The youth did not turn up to his case at the Dublin Children’s Court last week where his mother and sister told Judge Bryan Smyth they no longer wanted to stand bail. They had said he was “a nightmare to live with” and “thinks the world owes him something”.

The then 17-year-old from north Dublin had been charged earlier at the Children’s Court with possessing herbal cannabis and benzylpiperazine (BZP) tablets for sale or supply on June 25th.

He was brought back to court yesterday after he had been arrested on foot of a bench warrant. The youth, who has since turned 18, was remanded in custody with consent to High Court bail.