Zig-zagging their way home

Fluff will surely fly

Fluff will surely fly. And Celine Dion better watch her back, because Planet Zog's most famous sons have re-landed and close encounters of the furry kind threaten to disrupt every Monday and Friday evening from here on in. Zig (the purple one) and Zag (the beige one) delivered their first instalment of havoc last night on Network 2.

Their new show, 2Phat, brings them back together with their first co-celeb of 11 years ago, the brave Ray D'Arcy.

"The Kildare Badger, we call him," enthuses Zag. "Ray's a perfectionist though. You've got to remember that, but we love Ray. We've always kept in contact with Ray and Dustin over the years."

Music, pop-quizzes, videos and even new stars are the makings of 2Phat. There'll be Velcro Girl, DJ Foxy and Dancing Dave. And even the odd straggler, like Reverend T Groove, has followed them over here from MTV Europe. Dustin, they hope, may make an appearance.


"But he's very expensive," comments Zag.

"And Joe Dolan is very, very expensive," says Zig. "He might come on as a contestant. He could win a scooter."

The brothers have been absent from RTE's screen for six years, done The Big Breakfast on Channel 4, had a two-year stint on MTV Europe and say they are now "very excited about the new show".

And so, they tell, is the public. Tickets have been changing hands for "big wads of money in brown envelopes," says Zig.

"We think the time is right for this show. We've been doing The Big Breakfast now for six years, though we'll still be doing special reports for them. And we have a new show as well on Children's ITV."

When Zig and Zag stopped to talk to The Irish Times earlier this week, they were on their way out to buy new clothes.

"We'll be going to surfing shops and cool shops, buying ravey kind of gear, to, you know, appeal to the young people of Ireland," explains Zag. They do not have a lot of time for such pursuits as clothes-buying, so hectic has been the twins' lifestyle.

"Yeah, yeah," sighs a worldweary Zig. "It has been pretty jetset, pretty rock 'n' roll. We've been hanging out with Aerosmith, Texas and movie stars like Danny de Vito. Hanging out in New York, you know. Because that's the kind of thing you get to do when you're in TV.

"I mean I suppose we'd be on a par now with Mary Robinson, U2. Though, do you think we'd be as big as Aslan?"

Looks are obviously important to such high-profile aliens, and Zig explains their work-out regime.

"My brother Zag has a Gym Body Eight. It's a brilliant thing. You just strap it to your tummy and give yourself electric shocks for half an hour while you're eating hamburgers. That'll get the weight off anybody. And then we have expert make-up artists, because you know, I like to look my best on TV. We have the same team who work on Pat Kenny - an elite group."

Since they've been away, there has been a number of romantic interests.

"My brother's non-stop really," says Zig. "You know Geri Spice and all that stuff." Geri Halliwell, or Ginger Spice, reputedly left the Spice Girls so total was her love for Zag. "Her and me," nods Zag. "She just couldn't cope. Then there was all the business with Natalie Imbruglia." Geri caught Zag two-timing her with the Australian singer.

"It got a bit embarrassing really - all that `Lying naked on the floor'. Of course you've heard about Zig."

Zig, he explains, recently had his first dangerous liaison.

"Up until now it's only been Lego. He was only interested in Lego. Then he met a popstar called Louise, but it was never going to work out. He had stern words with her, said it was futile and she went off and married a footballer. It was all aired on our ITV show, in front of the nation. But he's grown up a little bit. I don't know if he's more mature. `Difficult' might be a better word," laughs Zag.

As for relaxing, when they get the time, they do try to get into night-clubs, but the harassment they get from their public can be difficult to stand. They have, they say. tried all sorts of disguises.

"But we're only three and a half to four feet tall, you know what I mean, so we sort of stand out," says Zig.

"And we're furry," adds Zag. "We've tried it all, Kitty - plastic coats and everything, but you can get arrested for that sort of thing."

They say that they are so busy during the week that what they really like to do is get home to Planet Zog at the weekends, to see their mum.

"Most weekends we go back, usually for Sunday dinner," says Zag. "She makes all kinds of stuff you Earth kids wouldn't like - vegetable bakes and roast panda. You see there's a lot of pandas on Zog. They're considered a pest you know, eating all the bloomin' bamboo. So that's where'll we be every Sunday - at home having a panda roast."

As for the future, they want to see how this shows goes and wouldn't rule out moving from light entertainment to current affairs.

"My brother Zag models his career on Jeremy Paxman," nods Zig. "And I might step in for John Bowman if he's taking a week off from Questions and Answers. There's great scope there for colourful ties."

Zag interjects that he may consider standing in for Claire McKeown on her late night discussion programme.

"A late night show with the ladies would be more my kind of scene."

And as for their personal lives, the suggestion of the pitter-patter of tiny Zig-and-Zag paws is met with disgust.

"Eugh! We're not that old. That's not the kind of thing we like to think about. We are free, furry and alien and haven't been in bed since half-nine."

On 2Phat, the two will have final veto over which artists get a look-in.

`Celine Dion will certainly be banned," stresses Zig. "It goes without saying. In fact we have an expose to do about Celine Dion. She should have gone down with that ship."

Instead "that ship" sent her straight to the top, but you could never accuse the lads of begrudgery. If 2Phat falls flat, they'll just start their own taxi company - Zog Cabs.

"Or go back to Planet Zog. There'll always be a place for us there. But we'll be here for at least 40 weeks. There's a whole room of scooters to get through."

2Phat will be on Network 2 every Monday and Friday at 7 p.m.