Zimbabwe 'close' to power-sharing deal

Zimbabwe's ruling party and the opposition are close to a power-sharing deal that would turn Robert Mugabe into a ceremonial …

Zimbabwe's ruling party and the opposition are close to a power-sharing deal that would turn Robert Mugabe into a ceremonial president, a South African newspaper reported today.

The report in The Starnewspaper cited sources close to the negotiations as saying the agreement would make MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai executive prime minister.

Zimbabwean government and MDC officials were not immediately available for comment.

The report came as Zimbabwean state media reported Zanu-PF and the opposition Movement for Democratic Change had agreed to expand their negotiating teams in a move the ruling party called a "good omen".


"They are down to detail now," the newspaper quoted one source as saying. "Although how long that will take is still unclear. But a deal is not far off. Not at all."

Mr Mugabe's Zanu-PF began power-sharing talks with the MDC two weeks ago in South Africa after Mr Mugabe was re-elected in a widely condemned poll boycotted by the opposition.

The two sides are under heavy international pressure, including from within Africa, to resolve a crisis that has ruined the once prosperous economy and flooded neighbouring states with millions of refugees.

The opposition says only Mr Tsvangirai can lead a new government because he won a first-round presidential vote in March before pulling out of the June 27 run-off because of violence he says killed 122 of his supporters.

Zanu-PF has said it will not accept any deal that fails to recognise Mr Mugabe's re-election.

Zimbabwe's official Heraldnewspaper reported today that both sides had agreed to expand their negotiating teams after the parties adjourned last week before resuming talks in South Africa on Sunday.

They had originally set themselves a deadline of Monday to reach a deal, but both sides have said the time line is flexible.

Commenting on the extension of the talks, Christopher Mutsvangwa of Zanu-PF's information and publicity committee told the Herald: "That shows progress. The extension is aimed at overcoming all the issues on the agenda. The omen is very good."

South African President Thabo Mbeki has been mediating between the rival Zimbabwean parties since last year.

The parties have disagreed over how long a national unity government should remain in power. The MDC wants new elections held as soon as possible while Mr Mugabe, who has ruled since 1980, wants to carry on with his new five-year mandate.
