Zimbabwe strike falters amid security fears

A general strike called by Zimbabwe's opposition to pressure authorities into releasing delayed presidential election results…

A general strike called by Zimbabwe's opposition to pressure authorities into releasing delayed presidential election results faltered today.

Fears of a fierce government crackdown and the desperate need of many Zimbabweans to make enough money to subsist in the face of a collapsing economy seemed to have discouraged strong participation.

Banks, shops and offices in central Harare were open as many workers ignored the call for an indefinite stoppage by the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC).

Soldiers and police fanned out across Zimbabwe early in the day. Army trucks, some equipped with water cannon, moved through opposition strongholds around the capital Harare and riot police and other officers set up checkpoints. Security eased significantly later as the strike call appeared to fizzle out.


The threat of a tough security response has undermined previous calls for protests. Police beat dozens of MDC members and supporters, including MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai, during an aborted 2007 anti-government protest. A general strike last year to protest against low wages and living conditions also collapsed. 

The MDC has declared victory in the March 29th presidential election and demanded that President Robert Mugabe step down to make way for  Mr Tsvangirai. It accuses Mr Mugabe's Zanu-PF of delaying the announcement of the presidential results to buy time to organise a violent response to his biggest setback since coming to power in 1980.

Official results show Zanu-PF lost control of parliament in the vote. Independent monitors say Mr Tsvangirai also beat the 84-year-old leader in the presidential vote but did not win the absolute majority needed to avoid a second round runoff.

The MDC accuses Mr Mugabe of delaying the presidential result so he can rig the election and organise a violent response to ensure victory in a runoff against Mr Tsvangirai.

Zimbabwe's Electoral Commission said it was still counting and verifying the presidential votes despite announcing the parliamentary result four days after the election.

Yesterday, a Zimbabwean High Court rejected a legal application by the MDC to force out the result.

Mr Tsvangirai, who has described himself as a prime target for Mr Mugabe's security forces, said his party would not appeal against the verdict because it would further delay results. But further delays are expected because of other legal moves and a recount in 23 constituencies ordered for next Saturday. The MDC is challenging that decision.

South Africa's ruling ANC said today action is needed to avoid disaster in Zimbabwe and regional leaders should push its authorities harder for the release of delayed election results.

A top official of the African National Congress said crisis was evident in Zimbabwe, in sharp contrast to President Thabo Mbeki's position after talks with Mr Mugabe at the weekend that there is no crisis in Zimbabwe.  "We don't want to prophesize disaster, we don't want disaster, we think pre-emptive action should be taken to avoid disaster," ANC treasurer general Matthews Phosa said.